Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Twilight + New Moon = Exams

So our exams started last tuesday. I barely studied...seriously. I spent the whole night reading New Moon...and it was definitely worth it. The book was absolutely great and I finished it yesterday. I remeber last friday when I was reading the first book: Twilight. I started at about ten in the evening and then I just couldn't stop. I was so engrossed that i finsihed the entire thing at about six in the morning. So that Saturday, I spent it sleeping soundly under the covers...what a book that was!

Oh Edward...I wish I was Bella. I don't care how dangerous her life was, as long as I'm with Edward. (okay...I'm so obsessed) He's such a hottie, definitely a gentleman even though he's a vampire. Oh, I wish I had someone like him.

So it's like the exams and I haven't studied at all. Tomorrow would be the last, geom and pinoi. SO those two are one of the hard ones. Oh well...maybe I should study...but I'm too lazy to. I'm actually downloading the playlist of Twilight and New Moon. (procrastinating much???) I'm so addicted to the books. And now I'm wishing that Cy wouldn't forget Eclipse tomorrow. I really want to read it so badly.

So anyway since I spent my reviewing time for reading those books I supposed I'd answer something like this:

Great Schism: 2 ___?
answer: 2 vampires
Who's the emperor of France?
answer: Dr. Carlisle Cullen
Where is the Pope located?
answer: Forks, Washington
Who came up with the heliocentric theory?
answer: Edward Cullen
Who's the husband of Portia?
answer: Jasper Hale
Who does Romeo love?
answer: Bella Swan basically that's what went thorugh my mind the past days.'s kind of pathetic. AT LEAST I didn't really write that down on my paper. If I that would be definitely embarassing.

I guess I should really study now...(yeah like that's gonna happen) Oh well...good luck to me then.

Edward Cullen is the hottest vampire ever! (addicted much???)...and so is Carlisle and Jasper....