Friday, March 27, 2009


what the hell is wrong with the people around me? it's like everything i tell them is wrong even when its right. she doesn't have the right to tell me what to do and how to act. she doesn't even know how i act! when i want to smile. when i wat cry or when i want to just kill someone.

eh ano ngayon kung lagi ako galit??? did you ever think that just being next to you makes my blood boil? how the hell am i gonna be happy when you keep ranting and biting my neck all the time? since you think you know all the answers go ahead and tell me how!

when you do something wrong its like all hell will break loose. but when she makes a mistake, even if its a really big mistake, its like nothing happened at all and she'll still blame me for it even if she was the stupid one who did it.

she keeps on saying she's such a great person how much she's changed. but in fact nothing happened at all. she didn't change. she's so freaking boastful. she thinks she's so great for being like this and like that even thiugh she's not. it's so annoying. especially when she picks everyone but herself. GRRRR!!!!!!

she even said that she only guides my life and its my choice. blah blah BLAH!!!!
are you crazy???? you're controlling my effing life and i hate it

damn it... i can't wait to have my own life. and leave all of you. i can finally be myself with no restrictions.

if you can't accept who i am then why bother at all???