Sunday, February 15, 2009

The L Word

Valentines day just passed...another year of watching hopelessly in love couples walk by.

Am I bitter? Maybe I am...Maybe I'm not. But who cares? Maybe it's because of plans that were never committed to, promises that were made and then broken, hearts that were restored only to be shattered again. So yes, I AM BITTER. I am fully aware that every word i type here is dripping with bitterness.'s what everybody keeps saying. Love is in the air, can't you feel it? Can't you see those little hearts floating everywhere? Well what i can see is me popping every single one of them. I'm not sure if they even know what it really means...I'm not even sure if anyone knows it at all. But what I'm sure of is that there is one person who clearly does not know the meaning of that word. That person doesn't even know when to say it.

I'm sure that mostly everyone can relate to this: YOU CANNOT LOVE TWO PEOPLE AT THE SAME TIME. Of course I'm talking about romantic love here...loving both your parents, friends, or whatever doesn't count. Unless it is incest, which i hope isn't.

I just don't get how somebody can tell you they love you when they also admit to loving another. Then that isn't's more of "LIKING THAT PERSON OR PERSONS" and sometimes even "LUST"

okay seriously, i don't even know why I'm writing this blog. maybe i just want to release these thoughts I've kept hidden for a while now....I can here the voices around me say it.
